The COVID zombie horror movie

Like the spiked sphere that has become its symbol, COVID-19 is multidimensional and multipronged. It fucks with your body, and it fucks with your mind. Lately we have come full circle with the mind-fuck part. In the beginning, more than a year ago, there was an eeriness to the virus. No one (and let’s be honest here, not even scientists) knew how you got it—or how you blocked it. Would masks protect you? The answer seemed obvious: Of course. But the CDC said No. But then it said Yes. Could you get it from fomites? Yes. Scour surfaces with bleach and alcohol. Even your food. But then No. Fomites were a trivial source of transmission. Jogger and bike-rider breath? Yes. Then no. Could you get it from your dog? Yes. Is it still yes? Who knows? The uncertainty bred paranoia. The enemy was invisible—but all around us and strong enough to kill us.

Then came a rational phase. Get the vaccine. Get it twice. Safety is 99% guaranteed. No mask required.

But now the killer-zombie-movie sequel has opened in neighborhoods near you. In this installment, breakthrough infections roam the earth. They’re rare though. No need to get tested. Oh, on the other hand, get tested regularly. And by the way, far from rare, they’re pretty common. Did we say no need to mask up? We meant always wear a mask indoors. Once again, we’re surrounded by an invisible enemy—this time aptly called a mutant. 


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